Zephyrus of Mira Village

Catch Phrase:
"I'm sorry."

16 years

Special Abilities:
Magic Spells
Word Vomit

Glowing Magic Eyes

Player Summery:
Zephyrus, or Zeph as he prefers, had a privileged and quaint childhood in Mira Village. Although, he didn't get along with most of the kids there. That didn't matter to him. He found no interest in them, with the exception of two. Instead, he spent his time practicing many forms of magic, a natural gift he was born with, that came easily to him. His 'gift' began developing at the age three when he made rupees come out of a jar without even breaking it. According to his parents' journals, his magic eyes developed when he was only a few months old. Of course, his parents dismissed it at the time, though they wouldn't make that mistake again. By the age of 8 he had set an entire forest on fire, which took a lot of the town's resources to put out. To this day, that fire still haunts him, as it took away his parents, along with quite a few others. He now lives alone, though he doesn't mind- most of the time. By the age of 16, he has become skilled in various forms of magic, though primarily, alteration and illusion spells. He still takes great pleasure in experimenting with his work, and now he actually has fun with it, because he has a best friend that shares his interests. Although the main difference between them would be that Zeph still is a bit... chaotic... with his magical abilities. He finds humor in playing pranks on other people with magic, and sometimes he forgets that he can go to far. Although he does have a inherently good moral compass, sometimes he can still be a bit selfish, vengeful, and prideful, especially when it comes to his magical abilities.