
    RPG Leader: Bryce H.
    Blog Manager: Manny and Danny

    Section 1: Posting

    • A.) From now on, please include a header at the top of your posts. The formatting is yours to choose, but must include the character's name, location, and party. (Example: Guzore/Where: Arbor Harbor/With: Della, Jack, and Sapphire). It also must be easily distinguishable from the rest of the post and easily legible (don't have your text upside down, sideways, zalgo, etc).
    • B.) Dialogue can be displayed through quotation marks, color, or both. There is no minimum or maximum word count to which a post must adhere at this time. 
    • C.) In accordance with chicken smoothie rules, posts that contain "foul language, explicit sexual scenes, excessive violence/torture, non-consensual 'romance', or other adult themes" will be deleted and users will be subject to the Chicken Smoothie staff for further action.
    • D.) Do not post twice in a row.

    Section 2: Character Actions

    • A.) Characters are free to speak and do what they wish, as long as it remains within the realm of possibilities. Characters cannot reveal information through their dialogue that their character would not have had access to. References to outside sources, memes, or recurring jokes may be made if the character is not aware of making them.
    • B.1) When interacting with others, characters must give other characters time to react to actions directly affecting them. 
    • B.2) Only with permission from the character's owner, may a player script another character's action.
    • C.) Characters cannot leave the town, dungeon, or general area in which the other characters are located. Moving to another room or smaller location within the larger location is allowed, however.
    • D.) Characters may have their own plot arcs, but permission must be obtained from the RPG Leader before performing any actions leading to their arc that affect the current plot arc.
    • E.) When performing spells or magical actions, at least three votes from other members in the RPG supporting the legitimacy of the spell must be obtained before casting it. If at least three people oppose it as well, a vote will be taken among all members of the group, or if necessary, the RPG Leader will make the final decision based on each side's argument.

    Section 3: Materials and Crafting

    • A.) Characters may search for materials once per post and three times per biome. The RPG Leader will roll the dice and determine what material they receive. The Blog Manager is in charge of documenting it in the Character Inventories section of the RPG Blog.
    • B.) Crafting may be done in any town or village with permission from me. The recipes and list of materials are currently in construction.
    • C.) Do not give your character any materials or items that you didn't clear with the RPG Leader.

    Section 4: Battles

    • A.) The characters involved in the battle take turns attacking enemies while the RPG Leader scripts the enemies' attacks and calculate damage. 
    • B.) To initiate a battle, a player may search for one, or one may be initiated by the RPG Leader as part of the plot arc.

    Section 5: Relations

    • A.) If you have any issues or problems with the way a member is treating you or with something they posted, contact the RPG Leader and they will assist in resolving the issue.
    • B.) The RPG Leader reserves the right to override other people's decisions.

    This list of rules is subject to change at any time.