Index and Summary

Season One: The Ghost of Gregal/Wisdom

  • Episode 01: The Journey Begins (Zephyrus, Ferondir) Script
    • Zephyrus finds out about some powerful magic books that reside in Gregal's Mansion and asks his best friend, Ferondir, to go along with him. Ferondir agrees to come and the two leave southward for Arbor Harbor.
  • Episode 02: An Unlikely Meeting (Jakub, Della, Guzore)
    • Della, a young potion maker, activates the warding spell protecting the camp, attracting the attention of Jakub Wilks, a sailor; and Guzore the Goron, who happens to be nearby.
  • Episode 03: The Wind Runner 
    • After an eventful encounter and some confusion (including an apelike golem, and a melting tree) they all bourd Jakub's ship, the Wind Runner, for dinner.
  • Episode 04: Bandits Attack (Jack)
    • A criminal called Jack sneaks onto the ship with bandits chasing after him, causing a battle.
  • Episode 05: A Feast, a Food Fight, and a Ferris Feel
    • After the battle, they return to dinner and a food fight ensued. Zeph almost kills Della in all the chaos and has an emotional breakdown. Ferondir goes to reassure him and they hug it out.
  • Episode 06: A Magical Day at the Beach
    • Everyone goes to the beach to cool off while Zeph and Ferondir get into a magical competition. Della's tired from the other night, so Guzore takes her back to the ship. 
  • Episode 07: Breakfast on the Wind Runner (Drimaethor, Sapphire)
    • The Wind Runner leaves and they proceed toward the mansion. The ship passes through the rapids of the river. Once they reach Gregal Lake, they meet a Zora called Sapphire and a Hylian called Drimaethor. 
  • Episode 08: Into Gregal's Mansion (Amythyst)
    • They go into the mansion, only to be met by a ghost named Gregal who threatens to kill them and erase them from the memories of the world. The initial battle is full of lies and trickery, but the heroes prevail.
  • Episode 09: Gregal Shows Himself
    • Sapphire's sister Amethyst joins the fray, and Gregal appears in his true form to kill everyone himself. In an desperate attempt to beat the spirit, Ferondir sends his soul into Zephyrus' body only to have his own possessed by Gregal.
  • Episode 10: Journey to the Center of the Mindscape
    • To get Ferondir's body back, Zepherondir sends the group into a mindscape. Each on a individualized island. The fortress in the center of this mindscape is the seat of the Gregals spirit. Will they retrieve the body, or will Ferondir be lost?
  • Episode 11: Someone Else's Shoes (Azneil)
    • When they returned to the real world, they find themselves in the wrong bodies, and after much experimentation, and a few magical spells, Zeph is ready to try and fix the situation.
  • Episode 12: Comfortable in My Own Skin
    • The group returns to their bodies and they decide to go to Arbor Harbor. 
  • Episode 13: Heavy Sky, Heavy Hearts (The Elder Jakub)
    • An argument occurs between Zeph and Jakub about the mode of transport, and after a frozen ship and another visit to a mindscape, it is revealed that Jakub is 157 years old and has a demon called Tenebris inside of him. He then curses Zephyrus to be unable to use magic. Jack and Zeph goes into the mansion and observes a mysterious sword Zeph owns.
  • Episode 14: Around the Campfire
    • The group roasts marshmallows over a campfire and talks about their adventures. 

Season Two: The King's Demise/Courage

  • Episode 01: The Death of the King
    • A few passing Zoras bring news that the king has been murdered and the party decides they must go and see for themselves. 
  • Episode 02: Jakub's Meal
    • The party stops at lake Floria for a meal.
  • Episode 03: The Race
    • They decide to have a race to Arbor Harbor.
  • Episode 04, 05, 06: Arbor Harbor
    • The party spends some time in Arbor Harbor, almost forgetting their mission to Castletown. (this will later be split into three episodes)
  • Episode 07: The Prophecy
    • After hearing a Prophecy, Zeph has a panic attack, and Ferondir helps him fight through it.
  • Episode 08: The Camp Site
    • Ferondir, Zeph, and Guzore ponder how much they changed since they were last in this place.
  • Episode 09: Home Again
    • On their way to Castletown, the party stops in Mira Village for some much needed rest. Meanwhile, Ferondir has an important question for Shialia, and Zeph remembers his childhood.
  • Episode 10: Into Castle Town
    • Arriving at castle town, Drimeathor is arrested when the soldiers recognize his emblem.
  • Episode 11: Prison Break
    • The remaining twelve concoct and execute a plan to break Drimaethor out of prison.
  • Episode 12: Veneficus's Study
    • Veneficus invites the party into his steam punk study and they learn they are the Twelve heroes mentioned in an ancient prophecy.
  • Episode 13: Old Castle Town
    • One hundred years in the past, the party makes their way through unfamiliar streets to discover the location of Jakub's old sword.
  • Episode 14: The Piratians
    • The party follows the Pirates and sneaks aboard their ship in order to steal back the sword, leaving behind one of their own.

Season Three: The Bordix Invasion/Power

  • Episode 01: Armed and Ready/Back to the Future/Upgrade
    • The party escapes back to the future and is presented with new and more powerful tools.
  • Episode 02: The Journeyman's Test
    • It's time for Ferondir to take the Journeyman's test, which, if passed, will increase his rank and allow him to choose his apprentice. Meanwhile, some decide it's time to eat.
  • Episode 03: A Nightmare in the Lanayaru Desert/ Vanta Black
    • After the test, Veneficus leads our heroes toward Death Mountain, where a supernatural event caused by Charlie sent them into a deadly desert dream. One by one, our heroes fall by one another's hands.
  • Episode 04: To Lanayaru City
    • They wake all at once, back in the forest, and slowly recover from the tramatic dream they had shared. Veneficus leads them north to Lanayaru, and they enter the desert city, and locate an inn at which to spend the night.
  • Episode 05: The Dragon Skull
    • Through the walls, Sapphire hears something about a dragon skull. She tells Veneficus and he leads the group to a dungeon, where they meet a pair of sinister tricksters, and a honored Bordix warrior. With dificulty, and at great sacrifice, the defeat the warrior, and trade one of thier own for the skull.
  • Episode 06: To Death Mountain
    • Our heroes travel to Death mountain, Zeph scribbling in his journal the whole way, where a "stoner" attacks them. Shia's curse takes effect, and the wizards scramble to repair and reverse the spell.
  • Episode 07: Shadenfreude Revenge
    • The Shadenfreude sisters, Pravo and Zliva, leave the others behind, and take the newly awakened Shinceon into the bowels of a cargo ship. Where, after answering a few questions and asking some of their own, they order him to destroy everyone on the ship. A ship and crew that had previously held the two tricksters captive.
  • Episode 08: Shadenfreude Journey
    • The Shadenfreude sisters and their new henchman stop at an inn, preparing to travel to the twilight realm, using the same portal that our heroes intend to use, in search of the very same sword. This treasure, guarded, apparently, by dragons.
  • Episode 09:
  • Episode 10:
  • Episode 11:
  • Episode 12:
  • Episode 13:
  • Episode 14:

Future Episodes in this Season

  • Into Another World
  • Battle for the Sword of Power