

Basic Illumination

Incantation: Lux (Light)

Root: The Caster's Aura

Effect: Produces enough light to see about two or three feet ahead.

Cost: Caster spends 5 mana and then about 1 mana per minute. (C = -5 + -T)


Sand Binds (Journeyman Level)

Incantation: Arena Cervarum

Root: The environment

Effect: Causes the sand to rise and ensnare the target.

Cost: Caster spends Mana equal to target's power. Each time the target attacks the binds, the mana cost is equal to the power of that attack.




Shared Aura Heal

Incantation: Sanetur (Be Healed)

Root: The Target's Aura

Effect: Heals physical wounds on the target's flesh.

Notes: Can only be casted when Caster's and Target's Auras are resonating.

Cost: Caster and Target spend 10 mana each for every 1 HP restored.

Pain Mask

Incantation: Operiet dolorem meum (cover my pain)

Root: the caster's aura

Effect: Lessens the nerve function in target's body. Removes pain.

Notes: Can only be casted on oneself.

Miner Counter spell

Incantation: Satis (Enough)

Root: The Caster's Aura, or the environment.

Effect: Counters Miner spells and interferes with noisy, chaotic, or distracting actions.

Cost: Caster spends half the combined cost of all the spells that it counters.

Uses: Ferondir

Molecular Hibernation 

(Journeyman Level)

Incantation: Statur Motus (Stop Movement)

Root: The Target's own energy, the Environment.

Effect: Stops the movement of every cell within it's bounds into a stasis, does not effect none organic material.

Cost: All available mana.

Sleeping Spell

Incantation: Dormio (While holding one palm to the target's forehead

Root: The Caster's Energy

Effect: Renders the target unconscious for an unpredictable amount of time, ranging from a few seconds to hours.

Cost: As much energy as is required to take a deep breath.

Protection against Possession

1. Obsecro te, qui me ducat ad Aquilonem specularum praesidio tenebrarum, ut tutus.
Sic fiat semper.
2. Si spiritus minantur in hoc
Certa aqua in aqua et ignis ab igne,
Animas eorum expelle in nihilum,
Usque ad ultimum potentiae removemus vestigium.
Haec sunt fugere mala,
Per tempus et spatium.
Sic fiat semper.
3. Obsecro te, qui me ducere Occidentis specularum praesidio tenebrarum, ut tutus.
Sic fiat semper.
4. Terra, Ignis, aqua. Et tribus,
Elementa Astral conjuro te
By divinitas, divinitatis in terra,
Hostibus timoris det aspiciant,
Elementa meus fortitudo,
Nulla venenatis regulas manebo
Et cum invenerit inimicum suum casum,
Reliqui eorum non valebit eaque omnia,
Impone eaque nullo modo sive maledictio converterent
Sic fiat semper.
5. Obsecro te, qui me ducere ad meridiem specularum praesidio tenebrarum, ut tutus.
Sic fiat semper.
6. In umbra mala abscondam
Ad me ab amore latere
Non erit in te
Et cessare faciam omne malum mihi
Dimitte illos dimittere eos
Numquam me transire,
Sic fiat semper.
7. Obsecro te, qui me ducere Orientis specularum praesidio tenebrarum, ut tutus.
Sic fiat semper.

Root: Various.

Effect: As long as the spirit contained during the spell remains within the vessel, no other spirit may enter in or remove the original.
A short spell allows for exception.
"Permisi (spirit's name) vas meum."

Cost: The sacrifice of a living soul. Several specific crystals are used.

Notes: As each instance of Sic Fiat Semper, the caster must turn a 45 counter clockwise, starting facing the North. The spell requires a binding circle be drawn on the ground and a sympathetic charm be placed on a similar circle on the target. This must be done in the moonlight without sunlight. Most effective at the full moon "high noon." 
This incantation must be chanted, and the actions repeated, fifty four times, and takes almost a day to complete.


Audire et scribere (Listen and write)
Uses: Ferondir
Istud magisterum (For my mentor)
Uses: Ferondir

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