
Species type:

Mammal, Bipedal


Forest, Field, Rock Mountain


4 HC


The Bokoblins are basically very slim goblins with a bat-hog type face. They come in various colors; Green, Grey, Blue, Orange, White, Red, Purple, essentially all the Iphone 5C colors. Most of them wear raggy old clothing, but some of them do occasionally wear leather armor.

Move List:

    Move Title    Damage   CoS   Target   Effects
  • Attack        1.0      90%   One      None
  1. Machete       1.5      85%   One      None
  2. Hammer        3.0      70%   One      Stun
  3. Ranged        3.0      70%   One      None
  4. Monster Horn  0.0     100%   None     Repopulate
  5. Spear         2.5      75%   One      None
  6. Bomb          4.0      60%   All      None
  • Stolen Weapon ???      ???   ???      ???
  • Shield        25%      75%   N/A      None

Extra information:

Bokoblins will use anything to their disposal, so don't leave anything lying around when engaging them! It is also recommended to take away their Monster Horns as soon as possible!