
5 HC
Zoras or Sea Zoras, are a race of hospitable ocean-dwelling creatures.

Zoras are normally found near or in large bodies of water. Their skin color lies in the white-blue-gray area, although brown/red is also a possible, though seemingly rarer variant. Most individuals (but not all) have fins attached to their arms and a tail at the back of their head (making their head alone look like a fish). The females have breasts, even though the species was shown to lay eggs.
The appearance of Zoras can vary greatly; some are large and round, while others are slender and small. This suggests the possible existence of subspecies within the Zora race.
While still generally humanoid, the Zoras resemble various marine creatures in their body structure. Most of them wear no clothes, but certain members of their species do wear clothing.
They are generally covered in silver scales and where humans sometimes have long hair, average Zoras have rear-hanging caudal extensions of their heads shaped like the tails of dolphins, perhaps as a cephalic form of dorsal fin.
Zoras have two large ulnar fins located distally on their forearms, and some have smaller fins at their ankles.
They lack ears in the traditional sense, but do have pronounced noses.
Zoras have gills on their ribs, analogous to the placement of lungs on a human.


The females have breasts, even though the species is known to lay eggs.
Zora eggs need to be kept in cold, clean water in order to develop healthily, and every egg from the same clutch must be kept together in order for them to hatch. Newborn Zoras are tadpole-like with a circular body and a long, skinny tail ending in a fluke.


Zora government is monarchical. The Zora Royal Family is responsible for maintaining order among their people, overseeing care of their patron deity, Lord Jabu-Jabu, and assuring that the waters upon which he and all sea creatures rely are clean and pure.

"The Zoras come from Zora's Domain in northeast Hyrule. An aquatic race, they are longtime allies of Hyrule's Royal Family. I heard that only the Royal Family of Hyrule can enter Zora's Domain..."
— Kaepora Gaebora

The names "Sea Zora" and "River Zora" are apparently only accurate in Labrynna, as "Sea" Zoras and "River" Zoras have been seen in freshwater and in the sea in other games, respectively. The names were likely only chosen as a distinction between the two, rather than a means of referring to their habitats.
