Aura Potion



  1. Mash Aura Fruit
  2. Mix Fruit and Water completely in pewter cauldron
  3. Let stand until still.
  4. Cut Frost Berries in half and drop gently into the liquid. The Potion will react violently; caution is recommended.
  5. Let sit until the reaction is mostly finished.
  6. Stir gently anticlockwise fourteen times, and clockwise twice. Repeat thrice.
  7. Put over a small fire and simmer until the consistency matches that of dough.
  8. Knead in Amazing powder evenly.
  9. Expose to moonlight; the potion should liquefy and turn a bright blue, as soon as this happens it should be bottled as soon as possible.


Not really much is known about this potion other than its recipe. It is assumed that the result will give the consumer an extreme boost in a brightness of his or her aura (increase in magic power) for an unknown duration.  Even though the potion's true effects have not been documented, it is known that the taste of it is quite vile, and any attempts to sweeten or flavor the potion will render it ineffective.

It should be noted that, without the addition of Amazing powder, the potion may become explosive with unknown effects although some speculate it could result in aura weakening.