Fera hummed quietly to herself, turning the page of the book she was reading.
A thud on the window made her jump.
She set the book down, and opened it, sticking her head outside. “Feron, you dork! I’m trying to read,” she yelled crossly.
As soon as she closed it and turned around, another rock hit the glass.
Enough is enough.
She whispered a spell, opening the window again, and a rock flew into her hand. She promptly threw it at her brother.
“Don’t give me that, you were so asking for it!”
“Get down here!” He yelled up, massaging his head. “Your boyfriend’s being stupid again, and he won’t listen to reason!”
With fire in her eyes, she shouted back, “He’s not my boyfriend!” Despite this, she came downstairs.
“Whoever he is, he thinks he can fly,” Feron said.
“He’s up on the cliff, with a pair of papercraft wings, about to try and fly.”
“That absolute moron!”
“Call him names after he’s safely on the ground, Baby Sis!”
“We’re the same age!” She stormed off, leaving her ‘younger’ brother behind.
He stared after her, and grinned. “He’s so your boyfriend,” he muttered, before running to catch up.
Ferallia and Feron reached the cliff and looked to see a grinning Icarus standing on the edge with his wings. His curly red locks bouncing in the breeze.
His dorky smile widened when he noticed she had arrived. “Hey, Fera, look at me!”
“WAIT! Don’t be stupid, you are not a bird!” she shouted, rushing up the hill toward him.
“Don’t gotta to be a bird to fly,” he said smugly. He jumped off the edge.
She leaped forward, in a vain attempt to catch him. “Icarus!” She stood up, quickly pulled a stele from her pocket and wrote a few runes in the air. “Air Cushion!”
The still grinning Icarus flapped his wings to no effect, but landed with a small thud, unharmed.
The twins rushed down the hill to see if he was alright.
He was standing there, rubbing the back of his neck in an embarrassed way, his hair messed up from the fall. And his usually pale face red, he said. “That was just a practice flight.” He laughed nervously.
She marched up to him and slapped him so hard, one of his wings broke. “You absolute idiot!”
He winced, clearly embarrassed. “Yeah… I’m gonna fly sometime though, just watch me.”
“You’re going to get yourself KILLED!” she shouted, looking ready to smack him again.
“Woah, chill, Fera,” her brother interrupted. “Violence isn’t the answer to all your problems, you know,” he said slightly sarcastically. Lowering his voice, he whispered in her ear, “That’s not how you hit on someone, you know.”
She‘d been slightly calmer before his comment, but this drove her over the edge. “You little-” She tried to punch him in the chest.
He dodged easily. “You can do better than that.”
A drawling voice met their ears. “And why have you got wings, exactly?”
They both spun around, scowling.
Icarus didn’t answer, his face turning red again.
“Still trying to fly, are you?” The fair-haired boy swaggered closer to them.
“Shut it, Zen.” Ferondir II said. “You just wait. One day, he’ll manage it.”
“When he does, I’ll kiss a bear,” he laughed.
Fera scowled at him. “You won’t be laughing when you’ve got to go and do it.”
Zen opened his mouth to reply but said nothing.
“You never could outwit my sister,” Feron said, crossing his arms.
“Must I?” he said. “Even your parents didn’t bother with you, why should I?”
The normally cool-headed Feron bristled. “Our parents died with honor, while your father lives without it.”
“Fat lot of good they did. There’s nothing left of Mira.” Zen sneered, though the comment about his father had stung him.
“Mira couldn’t be saved, but if they hadn’t done what they did, there would be nothing left of Hyrule! You have no place saying ANYTHING about our parents!” Ferallia retorted.
“If they loved you, they would’ve come back. They’re not dead, you know.” Zen said, enjoying the surprise and pain on their faces. “I’m bored of this conversation.” He strutted off.
Ferallia tried to dash after him but was stopped by her brother’s arm. “Let him go, Fera, he’s not worth our time.”
Only when he’d disappeared around a corner, did Ferallia calm enough to respond. “What if he’s right?” Her words were fragile, vulnerable, and they struck her brother harder than any cry of anger could.
“He’s not-- They can’t--” he started to say.
“What if they’re still somehow alive?”
Feron looked away. “I... I just... It’s impossible. The whole village was wiped off the map. And… If they were, they would’ve stopped at nothing to come see us.” Right?
“What if they don’t lo--”
“No. Stop.” Feron stood up tall. A fierce look in his eye. “If there is one thing that I’m sure of, it’s that they cared for us. Just forget he said anything. I’d rather live knowing my family died with honor.”
Ferallia’s shoulders sagged.
All this time, Icarus had been quiet. Sometimes he felt that having two, alive, and fully human parents was a bad thing.
That night, at dinner, she spoke. “What spell did they use, Mentor?”
Yami looked over at her and his deep violet eyes twinkled knowingly.
She usually never said anything, too interested in her meal.
“Our parents.”
“Oh, you mean the soul seal?” He pressed his napkin briefly to his mouth. “It’s far too advanced for you, my dear.”
“What does it do, exactly?”
“I suppose I could tell you.” He set his napkin down and shifted his glass of water to one side, and the hot oil to the other. He pointed to the water. “This represents a living thing.”
He gestured to the oil. “This does not.”
He took them both and poured equal amounts onto her saucer. “What do you see?”
She looked, trying to figure out what he was getting at. “Well, they’re not mixing.”
“Exactly. Life cannot be bound to something that was never alive, just as oil refuses to fuse with water.”
“What does this have to do with the soul bind?”
“I’m getting there, Ferallia.” He now took his own saucer and held up his wine and a cup of water. “These are both living things, and so, are able to meld. The water represents the caster’s life, and the wine, the target. Understand so far?”
“I think so.”
He poured them into his saucer, where they mixed and became indistinguishable. “This is the soul bind spell. The caster forces his own soul to encase and envelope the target.”
“So... my parents became one with the monster?”
“Well, no. But yes.”
“Didn’t I say it was too advanced for you?”
“You did, Mentor.”
“Now, finish your meal, then it’s off to bed. We’re visiting the Royal Library tomorrow, and you need your rest.”
Mira - Prologue: Lost
Mira village.
It’d been a long time since he’d been here. A long time indeed.
Ferondir and he had been younger then. Children. Apprentices at the Wizard's guild in Castletown.
Yami’s cloak caught on a low hanging branch and ripped.
“Mmm.” he disentangled himself and continued down the main road.
Ferondir, a father. The last time he’d seen his rival was when they were at the journeyman’s trials. He’d been a scraggly, stupid, kid. Barely becoming a man.
He stopped to stand in front of a certain quaint house and examined the sign that adorned the door.
House of Master Ferondir and Shiallia Aroksson.
Yami chuckled softly, taking down his hood and stepping up to the house.
He knocked and, after a moment, Shiallia opened the door.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said.
“Yami!” Ferondir warned from the other room. “You can stop that right now!” He stomped over to stand behind and beside Shia. “That’s my wife you’re flirting with.” His frown broke, split by a wide grin. “Come here, you old pervert!” He pulled his old friend into a hug.
“You’re getting old,” Yami said.
“No more than you, Geezer,” Ferondir said.
Yami turned to Shia. “And are you going to let your husband leave such a decrepit old man as myself out in the cold?” He asked Shia.
“Come in, both of you,” said Shia. “The twins can’t wait to meet you.”
Yami stepped inside and Ferondir shut the door behind him.
“Twins?” Yami asked. “You didn’t say anything about that in your letters.”
“I didn’t know,” Ferondir said. “They’ve got souls that are so alike, I mistook them for one!”
Yami chuckled and sat down on the sofa. “You’re losing your touch.”
“I most certainly am not,” Ferondir said, joining him.
“Keep dreaming, buddy.”
Shia, meanwhile, left the two to talk and went to find her precious children, eager to show them off.
“Yami. I am so glad you could make it. The whole town’s in an uproar, and I don’t think I can handle it by myself.”
“Ah, yes, the celebration,” Yami said. “I’d almost forgotten about it.”
“Ha! Who’s lost their marbles now?” Ferondir said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.
“I said no such thing,” Yami said, twisting in his seat to keep up with Ferondir. “It is tomorrow evening, right?”
“It is.” He smiled. It seemed Yami had actually forgotten. He returned holding a tray with three cups and a tea kettle. “We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, I had a bad dream and thought I’d come early.”
“Hey! Old guys!”
They both looked up.
She was standing at the base of the stairs holding two unidentifiable bundles.
Yami and Ferondir set down their tea and rushed over to see the children.
Shia carefully uncovered the children’s faces and Yami gasped. “They must’ve taken after their mother because there is no way such gorgeous little children could take after your ugly mug.” He shoved Ferondir good naturally.
“Hey!” He pushed Yami aside and reached out to take one of the children.
“Ferondork!” She said, disallowing it. “You’ve already seen them.” She carefully handed the eldest by a moment girl to Yami.
Yami gave Ferondir a victorious smile. I win.
Shia poked her guest in the chest. “Drop her, and I rip out your tongue.”
Ferondir gave his look back. No, you don’t.
Yami smirked anyway and examined the baby. “Beautiful children, I can’t say it enough.” He looked up at Shia. “Have you named them?”
Shia shook her head. “I haven’t decided.”
“Ferondir Junior is pug headed, apparently,” muttered Ferondir.
“I said PIG headed, and we’re not naming them after ourselves,” Shia said.
“I think she looks like a Ferallia.” Yami suggested.
“Yes!” Ferondir smiled.
“Absolutely not,” Shia replied.
“Well, why not?” Ferondir asked.
“That’s a stupid name!” she insisted.
“It’s both of ours put together!” Ferondir explained.
“It’s ridiculous,” Shia said. “She is not going to be a stupid girl. She’ll be smarter than either of us.”
“Okay, then, what else would we call Ferallia?”
“Well...” She thought hard. “Damn it all, it’s stuck now.” She crossed her arms. “Ferallia isn’t so bad anyway, I guess.”
Yami gave Ferondir a smug smile. “I just named your daughter.”
Ferondir pursed his lips. “I’m just as fond of the name.” He insisted.
Yami rocked the sleeping baby. “I just named your daughter,” he sang.
“Also,” he took her carefully out of Yami’s arms. “She’s mine.”
They talked well into the night, but couldn’t decide on a name for the boy.
Finally, Shia convinced them it was far too late to reasonably make a decision, and they retired to their respective beds.
The next day, Yami was interrupted from his morning ritual of reading a fanciful book when Ferondir burst through the door.
“YOU!” His host shouted. “You have to leave!”
Yami, hardly phased by this after growing up with three brothers, looks over his book at his old rival calmly. “What’s gone wrong now? I didn’t do whatever it is you think I did.”
“I don’t have time to explain! Just help me get everyone out of Mira.” Ferondir said. “Please.”
Yami closed his book, set it on the chair beside him and stood. Ferondir wasn’t teasing. Something horrible was happening. “Of course.” He left.
Ferondir continued through the house. “SHIA!”
He ran up the stairs, and almost crashed into her.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, calming his agitation with her hands oh his shoulders.
“There’s a Watcher. But like nothing we’ve ever seen.” He pushed past her and looked into the bedroom. “Where are the twins?”
“Ferondir!” Shia said. “Stop! Is it here?”
He looked back at her. He’d been worried on many occasions, but never looked as anxious, nor as old as he seemed now. “You must take our children and leave with the others. I’ve got to stop this.”
“Feron-” she started to say, but he’d already ducked into the room, returned, and placed their son and daughter in her arms.
“Go,” Ferondir said.
She opened her mouth to argue.
“NOW!” Ferondir said.
She turned and ran downstairs. She looked up at him. “Be careful!”
“I’ll catch up!” The first and last time he’d lied to her. “GO!”
He watched as the three most important things in the world disappeared through the door.
He shook his head and flung open his apprentice’s door. “Stirling!”
The Zora started and dropped the amulet she’d been holding. “Master?” She asked. Getting to her feet and taking a small bow.
“You’ve got to go. Shiallia and the others have already gone. Take them to Castletown and keep them safe.”
Confused, she grabbed her pack and wand.
“No time!” Ferondir guided her roughly out. “Find them. Guard them with your life!”
He ran off to the east, the opposite direction that the villagers were running.
Still unsure of anything, Stirling the Zora joined the crowd, looking for any sign of Shia’s aura.
Meanwhile, Yami was doing his best to guide the village out of Mira as quickly as he could.
Shia caught up with him just as the remaining people left Mira.
Yami stopped, looking at the swaddled babies in her arms. “Where’s Ferondir?”
She said nothing.
A voice echoed to them, louder than the noise of panic and destruction around them. “Quod in corpus tuum pusillum cupio ex te qui hoc propositum debet esse, et sic erit--”
Shia looked back, understanding the spell.
“No!” She said. “Not that!”
Yami grabbed her arm.
“He’ll be fine. He’ll save Mira. He always does.”
“You’re wrong,” Shia said.
He realized she was crying.
“We always save it.” She shoved the bundles into his arms. "We save it, Yami. Us." A hardness had come over her voice. ”Take good care of them while I'm gone, Yami.” She pinned him to a post with her arm. “I mean it. If they have a single scratch when I get back...” she said, viciously. “A single scratch... you are dead, you hear me?" She let him go and sprinted back into the burning city.
Yami fell to his knees, gasping. “Yes Ma’am,” he muttered. He caught his breath and ran, never glancing back at the city that had stolen his heart.
Meanwhile, Ferondir was standing on the watchtower, great tendrils of energy wrapping around him.
The beast drew nearer to the spot. It towered over the trees and buildings. A living fiery blaze, spewing smoke into the air, darkening the sky.
He continued to read aloud from the book.
Shia stepped up beside him.
“You can’t do this!”
Ferondir looked at her but said nothing. One misplaced word and the spell would splinter and rebound onto him.
“It takes two wizards!”
He shook his head, but she’d already taken hold of his arm and placed her other hand on the book.
This is why I married you, you crazy bastard, he thought.
She could see it in his eyes and nodded. “Quod in corpus tuum pusillum cupio ex te qui hoc propositum debet esse, et sic erit.” They chanted together. “Quod in corpus...”
It’d been a long time since he’d been here. A long time indeed.
Ferondir and he had been younger then. Children. Apprentices at the Wizard's guild in Castletown.
Yami’s cloak caught on a low hanging branch and ripped.
“Mmm.” he disentangled himself and continued down the main road.
Ferondir, a father. The last time he’d seen his rival was when they were at the journeyman’s trials. He’d been a scraggly, stupid, kid. Barely becoming a man.
He stopped to stand in front of a certain quaint house and examined the sign that adorned the door.
House of Master Ferondir and Shiallia Aroksson.
Yami chuckled softly, taking down his hood and stepping up to the house.
He knocked and, after a moment, Shiallia opened the door.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said.
“Yami!” Ferondir warned from the other room. “You can stop that right now!” He stomped over to stand behind and beside Shia. “That’s my wife you’re flirting with.” His frown broke, split by a wide grin. “Come here, you old pervert!” He pulled his old friend into a hug.
“You’re getting old,” Yami said.
“No more than you, Geezer,” Ferondir said.
Yami turned to Shia. “And are you going to let your husband leave such a decrepit old man as myself out in the cold?” He asked Shia.
“Come in, both of you,” said Shia. “The twins can’t wait to meet you.”
Yami stepped inside and Ferondir shut the door behind him.
“Twins?” Yami asked. “You didn’t say anything about that in your letters.”
“I didn’t know,” Ferondir said. “They’ve got souls that are so alike, I mistook them for one!”
Yami chuckled and sat down on the sofa. “You’re losing your touch.”
“I most certainly am not,” Ferondir said, joining him.
“Keep dreaming, buddy.”
Shia, meanwhile, left the two to talk and went to find her precious children, eager to show them off.
“Yami. I am so glad you could make it. The whole town’s in an uproar, and I don’t think I can handle it by myself.”
“Ah, yes, the celebration,” Yami said. “I’d almost forgotten about it.”
“Ha! Who’s lost their marbles now?” Ferondir said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.
“I said no such thing,” Yami said, twisting in his seat to keep up with Ferondir. “It is tomorrow evening, right?”
“It is.” He smiled. It seemed Yami had actually forgotten. He returned holding a tray with three cups and a tea kettle. “We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, I had a bad dream and thought I’d come early.”
“Hey! Old guys!”
They both looked up.
She was standing at the base of the stairs holding two unidentifiable bundles.
Yami and Ferondir set down their tea and rushed over to see the children.
Shia carefully uncovered the children’s faces and Yami gasped. “They must’ve taken after their mother because there is no way such gorgeous little children could take after your ugly mug.” He shoved Ferondir good naturally.
“Hey!” He pushed Yami aside and reached out to take one of the children.
“Ferondork!” She said, disallowing it. “You’ve already seen them.” She carefully handed the eldest by a moment girl to Yami.
Yami gave Ferondir a victorious smile. I win.
Shia poked her guest in the chest. “Drop her, and I rip out your tongue.”
Ferondir gave his look back. No, you don’t.
Yami smirked anyway and examined the baby. “Beautiful children, I can’t say it enough.” He looked up at Shia. “Have you named them?”
Shia shook her head. “I haven’t decided.”
“Ferondir Junior is pug headed, apparently,” muttered Ferondir.
“I said PIG headed, and we’re not naming them after ourselves,” Shia said.
“I think she looks like a Ferallia.” Yami suggested.
“Yes!” Ferondir smiled.
“Absolutely not,” Shia replied.
“Well, why not?” Ferondir asked.
“That’s a stupid name!” she insisted.
“It’s both of ours put together!” Ferondir explained.
“It’s ridiculous,” Shia said. “She is not going to be a stupid girl. She’ll be smarter than either of us.”
“Okay, then, what else would we call Ferallia?”
“Well...” She thought hard. “Damn it all, it’s stuck now.” She crossed her arms. “Ferallia isn’t so bad anyway, I guess.”
Yami gave Ferondir a smug smile. “I just named your daughter.”
Ferondir pursed his lips. “I’m just as fond of the name.” He insisted.
Yami rocked the sleeping baby. “I just named your daughter,” he sang.
“Also,” he took her carefully out of Yami’s arms. “She’s mine.”
They talked well into the night, but couldn’t decide on a name for the boy.
Finally, Shia convinced them it was far too late to reasonably make a decision, and they retired to their respective beds.
The next day, Yami was interrupted from his morning ritual of reading a fanciful book when Ferondir burst through the door.
“YOU!” His host shouted. “You have to leave!”
Yami, hardly phased by this after growing up with three brothers, looks over his book at his old rival calmly. “What’s gone wrong now? I didn’t do whatever it is you think I did.”
“I don’t have time to explain! Just help me get everyone out of Mira.” Ferondir said. “Please.”
Yami closed his book, set it on the chair beside him and stood. Ferondir wasn’t teasing. Something horrible was happening. “Of course.” He left.
Ferondir continued through the house. “SHIA!”
He ran up the stairs, and almost crashed into her.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, calming his agitation with her hands oh his shoulders.
“There’s a Watcher. But like nothing we’ve ever seen.” He pushed past her and looked into the bedroom. “Where are the twins?”
“Ferondir!” Shia said. “Stop! Is it here?”
He looked back at her. He’d been worried on many occasions, but never looked as anxious, nor as old as he seemed now. “You must take our children and leave with the others. I’ve got to stop this.”
“Feron-” she started to say, but he’d already ducked into the room, returned, and placed their son and daughter in her arms.
“Go,” Ferondir said.
She opened her mouth to argue.
“NOW!” Ferondir said.
She turned and ran downstairs. She looked up at him. “Be careful!”
“I’ll catch up!” The first and last time he’d lied to her. “GO!”
He watched as the three most important things in the world disappeared through the door.
He shook his head and flung open his apprentice’s door. “Stirling!”
The Zora started and dropped the amulet she’d been holding. “Master?” She asked. Getting to her feet and taking a small bow.
“You’ve got to go. Shiallia and the others have already gone. Take them to Castletown and keep them safe.”
Confused, she grabbed her pack and wand.
“No time!” Ferondir guided her roughly out. “Find them. Guard them with your life!”
He ran off to the east, the opposite direction that the villagers were running.
Still unsure of anything, Stirling the Zora joined the crowd, looking for any sign of Shia’s aura.
Meanwhile, Yami was doing his best to guide the village out of Mira as quickly as he could.
Shia caught up with him just as the remaining people left Mira.
Yami stopped, looking at the swaddled babies in her arms. “Where’s Ferondir?”
She said nothing.
A voice echoed to them, louder than the noise of panic and destruction around them. “Quod in corpus tuum pusillum cupio ex te qui hoc propositum debet esse, et sic erit--”
Shia looked back, understanding the spell.
“No!” She said. “Not that!”
Yami grabbed her arm.
“He’ll be fine. He’ll save Mira. He always does.”
“You’re wrong,” Shia said.
He realized she was crying.
“We always save it.” She shoved the bundles into his arms. "We save it, Yami. Us." A hardness had come over her voice. ”Take good care of them while I'm gone, Yami.” She pinned him to a post with her arm. “I mean it. If they have a single scratch when I get back...” she said, viciously. “A single scratch... you are dead, you hear me?" She let him go and sprinted back into the burning city.
Yami fell to his knees, gasping. “Yes Ma’am,” he muttered. He caught his breath and ran, never glancing back at the city that had stolen his heart.
Meanwhile, Ferondir was standing on the watchtower, great tendrils of energy wrapping around him.
The beast drew nearer to the spot. It towered over the trees and buildings. A living fiery blaze, spewing smoke into the air, darkening the sky.
He continued to read aloud from the book.
Shia stepped up beside him.
“You can’t do this!”
Ferondir looked at her but said nothing. One misplaced word and the spell would splinter and rebound onto him.
“It takes two wizards!”
He shook his head, but she’d already taken hold of his arm and placed her other hand on the book.
This is why I married you, you crazy bastard, he thought.
She could see it in his eyes and nodded. “Quod in corpus tuum pusillum cupio ex te qui hoc propositum debet esse, et sic erit.” They chanted together. “Quod in corpus...”
Jail Break in Castletown
So soon after the murder of our beloved king. The notorious villain Jack the Ripper escaped, with the help of our own Veneficus. He and his accomplices fled the scene, but not before causing significant damage to the prison.
What is our favorite wise man up too?
Is this somehow connected to the death of our king?
These questions and more will be answered in our next issue.
King Assassinated! - Hyrule at War?
Late July 17th, Honorable King Leo was declared dead in Hyrule Castle.
"There was nothing we could do," said one guard. "The culprit was here one second, and gone the next."
When asked about the nature of the threat, those involved made no comment.
However, recent reports of a man riding a Pyrodactyl may be connected.
The court wizard and associates attempted to revive our king, but to no avail.
What magic could rival that of the royal court? What is this new enemy? Is it a revolutionary force, or something more sinister? Equal with Demise perhaps?
Investigation continues. More information to come.
July 18th - Hyrule Tribune
Pravo and Zilva Shadenfreude
Age Unknown
Special Abilities:
Shadow Magic
The Sisters left their home, taking with them the mask of truth. They spent some time in the twilight realm, and now are after the sword of power.
Both - Curious, mischievous, flirtatious, slightly sadistic
Pravo - Excitable, strong headed, extroverted
Zilva - Calm, intimidating, tactful
Age Unknown
Special Abilities:
Shadow Magic
The Sisters left their home, taking with them the mask of truth. They spent some time in the twilight realm, and now are after the sword of power.
Both - Curious, mischievous, flirtatious, slightly sadistic
Pravo - Excitable, strong headed, extroverted
Zilva - Calm, intimidating, tactful
The Mask of Truth
The Mask of Truth
An artifact crafted by the Sheikah that allows the wearer to communicate with the Sheikah Seeing Stones.
Zelda Wikia
Guild Creed
We search out all
knowledge and reason,
to identify, categorize
and understand all.
We show kindness and compassion
whenever given the choice,
healing disease and suffering
wherever we find it.
All life is governed
by Nayru's law,
we stay in her light,
and guide others there.
Sheikah |
Sheikah Tribe (シーカー族) (Shadow Folk) (House of Historians)
A great clan of cunning warrior mages sworn to protect the royal family of Hyrule. They originally served Hylia.
It is believed that the Sheikah are a share the same ancestors as the Hylians.
Most Hylians are entirely unaware of their existence, and the few who know about them know very little.
Sheikah commonly use Deku nuts to travel by means of teleportation.
The Sheikah are a secretive and honor bound race, to betray is one of the worst things a Shiekah can do. They are known to pass down both heirlooms and stories to their descendants. These stories are often legends and prophecies, including the legend of the Triforce and the prophecy of the Hero of Time. The Sheikah were noted to have been very capable craftsmen and magical inventors. Their magic tends to be illusionary; hiding from sight, teleportation,
The physical appearance of the Sheikah is similar to that of the Hylians; only being distinguished by their tan skin, red-colored eyes and extended life spans.
![]() |
Sheikah Emblem |
The Mask of Truth
The Lens of Truth
Literary Facts:
Sheikah is both a plural and singular word. "Sheikahs" is incorrect. (The use of "Sheikahs" in the series is attributed to translation error.)
Zeph's Journal
Dear Journal:
It's been awhile, hasn't it? Boy, I've got a lot to tell you. ▓
What's happened since I last left off?
Oh! Let's see, we made it to an Inn in Lanayaru City, of Ferondir's choosing.
What's with Ferondir and Inns? Has this always been a thing? It's slightly ominous- but that's besides the point.
The civilians that occupy residencies within Lanayaru City are quite alluring, prepossessing an acute fondness towards hooded Robes, presumably to safe-guard against the fervent winds encompassing said
dwelling- in contempt of the fact that Lanayaru is quite the Architectural marvel, easily able to withstand the sand storms plaguing the exterior.
Veneficus is disputing with himself about the existence of the Twilight Portal, that apparently exists withheld on a mountain near Lanayaru. I will do research on such a device. I will update again
post hence.
Goodbye for now.
-Zephyrus ▓░▓▓▓░▓▓
Note: There it is again? It keeps happening. I thought the swords effects wore off? It must of been temporary. I keep transitioning into a higher state
of knowledge without even knowing it? Is this a good thing? It probably isn't is it? Because just from looking at it, i didn't even show any signs of emotion?
The last time this happened I almost killed things.
These transitions are happening more and more frequently.
Qualities include:
-Heightened Apathy
-Lowered Empathy
-Increased intelligent
-Increased mana? My guess is that I'm drawing it from the sword it self. It's like a mana factory. I can feel its power. But something more than that
something darker?
-That other me doesn't seem to restrain his magic. I swore I would never go to full potential. It's too dangerous. He doesn't care.
-Analyzation. I can look at someone and in seconds I know what they've eaten for every meal so far, where they've been, their mood,
their shoe size???? The list goes on and on. It's so cool, but so crazy. (But still really cool.)
-Maybe I can find a way to keep the greater intelligence but sustain my emotions too?
-Probably more to come.
-Increased visions.
-Ask Veneficus about the visions!
Note: Shia▓░▓▓▓░▓▓▓░▓▓Ferondir▓░▓▓▓░▓▓▓░▓▓Guzore?▓░▓▓▓░▓▓
Note: If we can go back in time, think of the things we can solve! Maybe we could even go forward in time? What if we just went back to when the swords were created and made duplicates?
No, that wouldn't working. Self-contained timeline continuity.
Note: Stele repair.
Another Note: "Is there a connection to these more stylized Glyphs?" This is very frustrating. I need a point of origin from inside the group. It's
imperative to my analysis. I need to get to my lab.
Note: Ferondir is acting weirder than usual. Does he think no one is noticing? Because people are actually noticing. What's up with him? Besides Shia that is.
That's right, Shia! So subtle. Not. I see right through you. I've seen inside your journal, remember?
Note: Shia's probably not going to read this, why did I refer to her as if she was here?
Another note: Why do I keep seeing the same Barrel everywhere? Do people not know how to customize and accessorize Barrels? Did it just move? Am I going crazy?
Well. I already know the answer to all of those is this: Probably.
Another note: De crypt the prophecy from the Fortune Teller. Something in his words created a magic reaction. Veneficus explain this some. I need to get more.
Learn more about Drimaethor. He's older. More trained. He has a past- now I need to figure it out. He's got an archer's build, I wonder if he's any good at it.
Update: The group has arrived at the, quite possibly infested and infected, decrepit Inn. Veneficus is explaining the science behind the trans-dimensional rift.
And Ferondir has attempted to decamp from this journey, sloppily attempting to make a quiet exit. Logically, that was his preferred move due to probability.
It's a shame he came back, he abandoned the road of high probability, and now has a far greater chance of getting himself killed.
Update: Aside from the comments I made in that last update, when the swords effects had transitioned in again, some cool things are starting to happen.
Things are finally getting exciting. Which is good, because I was starting to get bored. It turns out there are Bordix here, in the Inn. What a twist?
Oh, how dramatic irony strikes again. Anyways, Veneficus opened an increasingly fascinating Portal, which leads to a room and/or corridor below.
This is an actual, real life, trans-spacial gateway, self-contained inside a directionally inhibiting barrier. I wonder if it comes in blue?
I'm going to have to get one for myself. It really is so cool.
Okay, I'm going now, were fleeing I guess.
Dear Journal, as I have time to spare, it felt fitting to update you on what's happening.
Right now we are on the way to Death mountain. Not foreshadowing at all, right? I'm sure.
So let's see. What's happened so far? Also, I'm sorry for any misspellings future me, I'm writing and walking so, there's that. Yeah.
Oh! Veneficus was talking about "The Fused Shadow" I need to do some more research! I've already done some, and quite a lot of it is mostly inconclusive,
however I did find out some things. One of the biggest things is that it seems to have some correlation to the Dark Interloper wars. Those were some dark times
For everyone's benefit, lets hope nothing is resurrected from that past. And the only reason I was able to figure that out is mostly because of what Veneficus has told us.
And he seems to think I'm not paying attention. Ha! See! I can pay attention! Take that, Ferondir!
Me = Shamelessly humming a song and messing with the magic currents around the area.
Okay, anyways.
So, here's what happened.
We jumped into that portal, right? So, we all get down there, and we start to explore- then Andromeda's all like "Look, Orbs! I've got to touch some!"
Because who doesn't want to touch shiny potentially dangerous orbs. Good call, Andromeda. Anyways, when she(I guess?) touched the orbs, Andromeda re-materialized
as a guy- named Shinceon. Purple flames, glowing eyes. Where have I seen that before? Apparently Andromeda was always Shinceon, but until he touched the orb, he couldn't come out as his true self.
The amount of Social Norms that breaks, I can't even comprehend. Hm, I wonder if it was because he was afraid to be himself? Maybe he was being repressed? Who knows these days.
The warriors of 12- there is that phrase again. Veneficus has made it clear that that is us, but I'm not sure if some of us are even ready to be a warrior.
Not to mention any names. Sapphire. Whoops, I wrote it in pen. It's too late to erase.
Oh well.
So, as it turns out Shinceon = Sad backstory + Magic.
That sounds like quite a lot of us, honestly. Welcome to the club.
Oh! Another important introduction. And something exciting finally happened.
Two girls appeared- which isn't unusual for me- but what was, was the fact that they had seemed to of harnessed and tamed Twilight Magic, which, in case you don't know already, is one of my favorite kinds.
Finally! Someone with cool magic other than Veneficus.
Note: Yes, that includes Ferondir. He prides himself on being a talented wizard, but honestly his magic is too tethered. And I think after all these years he knows that.
I wonder why he hasn't branched out more.
Anyways, the girls were an easy chaotic neutral, and they seem to be able to posses the power to read minds, as they saw right through my picking apart their alibis.
Note: Research more into the lore behind a split mask.
Note: Mask of truth.
After that, we were able to locate the object that I detected that was emanating so much magical energy (It was almost disorienting).
It turns out it was a skull, but not just any skull. A dragon skull.
Yes, you read that right. Dragon Skull. Who knew Dragon's carried such immense amounts of power?
Important: Once I had finished examining it, and the others became occupied by figuring out what it was I had already worked out for myself, I began tracing
the line of the room, looking for runes- something told me there was more to this than it seemed. I was right. It turns out, hidden expertly behind a wall, was a damp, and narrow, passageway.
While the others were distracted with who-knows-what, I fell into the temptation of my curiosity- and decided to see what it actually was. Finally, it came to an end in a dark room- with one central pillar.
Just above eye level, on the pillar, was a small shelf, containing one equally small book.
I haven't given it a name just yet, maybe "The Grey Book", because that's what it resembles. It was filled to the brim with sketches of archaic, ancient, runes. Runes I had never seen before.
Intricate runes, simple runes, big runes, and even small runes.
I need to delve into it a bit more, however, so far what I have tested, the first section of runes can do enhanced, neutrality powers to people and objects.
I would have liked to look around that room a bit more, but I was reminded of why I was even there when the ground beneath my feet trembled.
The others were up to something. As per usual. Can I never even get 10 minutes? Is that too much to ask?
5 minutes later: Oh look, Guzore was stabbed. [Insert "Sharp" and witty joke here]
Note: It shouldn't have been that hard to heal him. My goddess, you people loveeeee dramatic extension, don't you? One of these days I'm going to need to write a play. Or a painting?
Who knows.
As I have learned, in my absence, the Bordix leader showed up, and they faught. Somehow Shia did magic, with her incredibly tiny amount of potential, I'm surprised
she could even make a gust of wind. Sorry, not sorry.
Oh yeah! Some more of that Rising Action occurred. Guess who got taken into enslavement? You get 2 guesses.
That's right! Shinceon did! I didn't really know him enough to care at the time, but who knows what they are doing to him.
In lighter news, we got the skull back!
What I want to know is, if the Bordix Leader had the Death Rod, why didn't he just kill everyone? Unless he didn't.
Note:Speaking of Bordix, ask about the visions. Veneficus has to know something.
Okay, we're walking uphill, now downhill. Okay, that was hard to write on. But now we're back to level ground. I also accidentally think I hit Della in the
head with one of my levitating books. I'm surprised she didn't have a fit.
Speaking of Della, what are we doing with a kid around here? We aren't babysitters, and she's too childish to be around us and not get killed. Again.
Anyways, that was quite a tangent.
Back on track.
Ferondir = Talktalktalktalktalktalk breath talktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalk.
Shia= <3
The irony is that usually I'm the one who's usually popular with the girls. I've been told,by Ferondir, it's because of my "Bad-Boy type", whatever that means.
But now Ferondir finally has someone who likes him and he's just doing other things.
That's Ferondir for you.
And that concludes this entry for the present time being, I'll update again later, but we are nearing our destination.
What could possibly go wrong?
It's been awhile, hasn't it? Boy, I've got a lot to tell you. ▓
What's happened since I last left off?
Oh! Let's see, we made it to an Inn in Lanayaru City, of Ferondir's choosing.
What's with Ferondir and Inns? Has this always been a thing? It's slightly ominous- but that's besides the point.
The civilians that occupy residencies within Lanayaru City are quite alluring, prepossessing an acute fondness towards hooded Robes, presumably to safe-guard against the fervent winds encompassing said
dwelling- in contempt of the fact that Lanayaru is quite the Architectural marvel, easily able to withstand the sand storms plaguing the exterior.
Veneficus is disputing with himself about the existence of the Twilight Portal, that apparently exists withheld on a mountain near Lanayaru. I will do research on such a device. I will update again
post hence.
Goodbye for now.
-Zephyrus ▓░▓▓▓░▓▓
Note: There it is again? It keeps happening. I thought the swords effects wore off? It must of been temporary. I keep transitioning into a higher state
of knowledge without even knowing it? Is this a good thing? It probably isn't is it? Because just from looking at it, i didn't even show any signs of emotion?
The last time this happened I almost killed things.
These transitions are happening more and more frequently.
Qualities include:
-Heightened Apathy
-Lowered Empathy
-Increased intelligent
-Increased mana? My guess is that I'm drawing it from the sword it self. It's like a mana factory. I can feel its power. But something more than that
something darker?
-That other me doesn't seem to restrain his magic. I swore I would never go to full potential. It's too dangerous. He doesn't care.
-Analyzation. I can look at someone and in seconds I know what they've eaten for every meal so far, where they've been, their mood,
their shoe size???? The list goes on and on. It's so cool, but so crazy. (But still really cool.)
-Maybe I can find a way to keep the greater intelligence but sustain my emotions too?
-Probably more to come.
-Increased visions.
-Ask Veneficus about the visions!
Note: Shia▓░▓▓▓░▓▓▓░▓▓Ferondir▓░▓▓▓░▓▓▓░▓▓Guzore?▓░▓▓▓░▓▓
Note: If we can go back in time, think of the things we can solve! Maybe we could even go forward in time? What if we just went back to when the swords were created and made duplicates?
No, that wouldn't working. Self-contained timeline continuity.
Note: Stele repair.
Another Note: "Is there a connection to these more stylized Glyphs?" This is very frustrating. I need a point of origin from inside the group. It's
imperative to my analysis. I need to get to my lab.
Note: Ferondir is acting weirder than usual. Does he think no one is noticing? Because people are actually noticing. What's up with him? Besides Shia that is.
That's right, Shia! So subtle. Not. I see right through you. I've seen inside your journal, remember?
Note: Shia's probably not going to read this, why did I refer to her as if she was here?
Another note: Why do I keep seeing the same Barrel everywhere? Do people not know how to customize and accessorize Barrels? Did it just move? Am I going crazy?
Well. I already know the answer to all of those is this: Probably.
Another note: De crypt the prophecy from the Fortune Teller. Something in his words created a magic reaction. Veneficus explain this some. I need to get more.
Learn more about Drimaethor. He's older. More trained. He has a past- now I need to figure it out. He's got an archer's build, I wonder if he's any good at it.
Update: The group has arrived at the, quite possibly infested and infected, decrepit Inn. Veneficus is explaining the science behind the trans-dimensional rift.
And Ferondir has attempted to decamp from this journey, sloppily attempting to make a quiet exit. Logically, that was his preferred move due to probability.
It's a shame he came back, he abandoned the road of high probability, and now has a far greater chance of getting himself killed.
Update: Aside from the comments I made in that last update, when the swords effects had transitioned in again, some cool things are starting to happen.
Things are finally getting exciting. Which is good, because I was starting to get bored. It turns out there are Bordix here, in the Inn. What a twist?
Oh, how dramatic irony strikes again. Anyways, Veneficus opened an increasingly fascinating Portal, which leads to a room and/or corridor below.
This is an actual, real life, trans-spacial gateway, self-contained inside a directionally inhibiting barrier. I wonder if it comes in blue?
I'm going to have to get one for myself. It really is so cool.
Okay, I'm going now, were fleeing I guess.
Dear Journal, as I have time to spare, it felt fitting to update you on what's happening.
Right now we are on the way to Death mountain. Not foreshadowing at all, right? I'm sure.
So let's see. What's happened so far? Also, I'm sorry for any misspellings future me, I'm writing and walking so, there's that. Yeah.
Oh! Veneficus was talking about "The Fused Shadow" I need to do some more research! I've already done some, and quite a lot of it is mostly inconclusive,
however I did find out some things. One of the biggest things is that it seems to have some correlation to the Dark Interloper wars. Those were some dark times
For everyone's benefit, lets hope nothing is resurrected from that past. And the only reason I was able to figure that out is mostly because of what Veneficus has told us.
And he seems to think I'm not paying attention. Ha! See! I can pay attention! Take that, Ferondir!
Me = Shamelessly humming a song and messing with the magic currents around the area.
Okay, anyways.
So, here's what happened.
We jumped into that portal, right? So, we all get down there, and we start to explore- then Andromeda's all like "Look, Orbs! I've got to touch some!"
Because who doesn't want to touch shiny potentially dangerous orbs. Good call, Andromeda. Anyways, when she(I guess?) touched the orbs, Andromeda re-materialized
as a guy- named Shinceon. Purple flames, glowing eyes. Where have I seen that before? Apparently Andromeda was always Shinceon, but until he touched the orb, he couldn't come out as his true self.
The amount of Social Norms that breaks, I can't even comprehend. Hm, I wonder if it was because he was afraid to be himself? Maybe he was being repressed? Who knows these days.
The warriors of 12- there is that phrase again. Veneficus has made it clear that that is us, but I'm not sure if some of us are even ready to be a warrior.
Not to mention any names. Sapphire. Whoops, I wrote it in pen. It's too late to erase.
Oh well.
So, as it turns out Shinceon = Sad backstory + Magic.
That sounds like quite a lot of us, honestly. Welcome to the club.
Oh! Another important introduction. And something exciting finally happened.
Two girls appeared- which isn't unusual for me- but what was, was the fact that they had seemed to of harnessed and tamed Twilight Magic, which, in case you don't know already, is one of my favorite kinds.
Finally! Someone with cool magic other than Veneficus.
Note: Yes, that includes Ferondir. He prides himself on being a talented wizard, but honestly his magic is too tethered. And I think after all these years he knows that.
I wonder why he hasn't branched out more.
Anyways, the girls were an easy chaotic neutral, and they seem to be able to posses the power to read minds, as they saw right through my picking apart their alibis.
Note: Research more into the lore behind a split mask.
Note: Mask of truth.
After that, we were able to locate the object that I detected that was emanating so much magical energy (It was almost disorienting).
It turns out it was a skull, but not just any skull. A dragon skull.
Yes, you read that right. Dragon Skull. Who knew Dragon's carried such immense amounts of power?
Important: Once I had finished examining it, and the others became occupied by figuring out what it was I had already worked out for myself, I began tracing
the line of the room, looking for runes- something told me there was more to this than it seemed. I was right. It turns out, hidden expertly behind a wall, was a damp, and narrow, passageway.
While the others were distracted with who-knows-what, I fell into the temptation of my curiosity- and decided to see what it actually was. Finally, it came to an end in a dark room- with one central pillar.
Just above eye level, on the pillar, was a small shelf, containing one equally small book.
I haven't given it a name just yet, maybe "The Grey Book", because that's what it resembles. It was filled to the brim with sketches of archaic, ancient, runes. Runes I had never seen before.
Intricate runes, simple runes, big runes, and even small runes.
I need to delve into it a bit more, however, so far what I have tested, the first section of runes can do enhanced, neutrality powers to people and objects.
I would have liked to look around that room a bit more, but I was reminded of why I was even there when the ground beneath my feet trembled.
The others were up to something. As per usual. Can I never even get 10 minutes? Is that too much to ask?
5 minutes later: Oh look, Guzore was stabbed. [Insert "Sharp" and witty joke here]
Note: It shouldn't have been that hard to heal him. My goddess, you people loveeeee dramatic extension, don't you? One of these days I'm going to need to write a play. Or a painting?
Who knows.
As I have learned, in my absence, the Bordix leader showed up, and they faught. Somehow Shia did magic, with her incredibly tiny amount of potential, I'm surprised
she could even make a gust of wind. Sorry, not sorry.
Oh yeah! Some more of that Rising Action occurred. Guess who got taken into enslavement? You get 2 guesses.
That's right! Shinceon did! I didn't really know him enough to care at the time, but who knows what they are doing to him.
In lighter news, we got the skull back!
What I want to know is, if the Bordix Leader had the Death Rod, why didn't he just kill everyone? Unless he didn't.
Note:Speaking of Bordix, ask about the visions. Veneficus has to know something.
Okay, we're walking uphill, now downhill. Okay, that was hard to write on. But now we're back to level ground. I also accidentally think I hit Della in the
head with one of my levitating books. I'm surprised she didn't have a fit.
Speaking of Della, what are we doing with a kid around here? We aren't babysitters, and she's too childish to be around us and not get killed. Again.
Anyways, that was quite a tangent.
Back on track.
Ferondir = Talktalktalktalktalktalk breath talktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalktalk.
Shia= <3
The irony is that usually I'm the one who's usually popular with the girls. I've been told,by Ferondir, it's because of my "Bad-Boy type", whatever that means.
But now Ferondir finally has someone who likes him and he's just doing other things.
That's Ferondir for you.
And that concludes this entry for the present time being, I'll update again later, but we are nearing our destination.
What could possibly go wrong?
Room Three
The next room was lit by a floating orb, much like the stadium outside. Twelve pedestals stood in a circle in the center of the room, and in the middle of the circle, a table held the scroll.
He walked up to the table and picked it up.
Only then, he noticed that each pedestal held a unlit torch.
He opened the scroll.
Your task is to light a torch. One torch is the trigger mechanism for the door, the others trigger less pleasant results, some of which are potentially lethal. Choose wisely.When I asked for more difficult tasks, I didn't mean death.
He put down the scroll, and walked around the outside of the circle of pedestals, examining them carefully.
They are identical in every way.
He returned to the center and looked around at them all. He'd already used the reverse shadow spell he knew, so he wouldn't be able to see the inside of these.
Maybe I could light all of them at once and just block everything. No. I have no way of knowing what traps, hexes, or curses they've set. Unless...
He carefully examined the floor, then each of the four walls, and the ceiling.
Around the edges of the room, there were small doors, smaller then his arm. Maybe if I triggered them, the room will flood, or fill with snakes.
The floor had a seam going down the middle. Maybe it'll split and dump me into lava, or onto poisoned spikes.
Holes dotted the entire floor. Perhaps they release strange gas, or darts of some kind.
There was also a hex around the circle of pedestals, but he couldn't tell what it did. It's illegible.
On the ceiling, a wooden trap door hid some ominous thing. Boiling tar?
Ferondir frowned, then had an idea. If I'm close behind Yami, maybe there's a chance that the torch he chose is still hot. He lifted his staff and spoke a spell that had come in useful on countless occasions. "Deprehendere temperatus."
His staff flashed bright blue, and then red, and then started releasing a mist of strangely colorless fog.
He brought it close to each torch, and each of them registered the same dim blue, all but three.
He released the spell.
Well, it narrows it down, at least. Yami must have guessed. It's kinda lucky that he found the right one after three tries.
Ferondir examined the three torches in question. and finding himself unable to see any discernible difference, chose one at random. "Nayru, guide me." he said, before touching it with his staff and lighting it.
A steady hissing filled the air,
Oh crap, it WAS snakes! He looked around at the small doors, but they didn't move.
The hissing grew louder.
"What are you?!" he asked the air, a little panicked.
He took a step and he heard a click, the floor seemed to catch fire.
"Holy goddess!" he shouted, jumping away,
Thankfully, the seemed to be contained within the hex.
He took at deep breath, and felt a slow pain all the way up his left side.
He was on fire.
"Oh dang!" He flung his robe off and stomped on it.
The flames died, but the robe was badly damaged.
"Oh, man. Mistress Nettleheart is going to kill me." She was the seamstress of the Guild.
He turned back to flames, and while he was trying to figure out how to extinguish them, they went out all at once.
"Hmm." That works.
He put the ruined robe back on. The left side was badly singed, and the arm had almost entirely burned away. "Oh, man." He fingered it. This robe had been though a lot with him. I have no choice but to pass now.\ He turned back to the pedestals, and located the other two possibilities. Left or right? He stood there, deliberating. He didn't want to trigger another trap.
He chose one, and lit it with his eyes shut, and his arm protecting his vital organs.
He heard a series of ominous clicking sounds, and then stone rumbling against stone. Oh no, is the ground opening? He looked up, and opened one eye. It was just the door into the next room. "Oh, hey." He relaxed. "That's that."
Just before he left, he turned back and cast another spell. He was supposed to leave the room as he left it after all. "Tolle calor."
The air seemed to freeze, and he quickly shut the door, and heard several clicks. It was locked once again.
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