Shialia's Journal


Zeph- "He's funny, and pretty cool to be around. I need to stay away from him when I'm near Ferondir. I think something's wrong, but he's hiding it. If I see him with Cassie, I'll need to make sure to tease him about it later. He uses magic, so I should be careful. I think you would've liked him."

Della- "She lives in Arbor Harbor, like me. I think she knows how to make potions. She's pretty friendly. I don't think she's a threat."

Jakub- "He acts kind of strangely. He has a demon girlfriend and he's a hundred years old, or something. He's friendly, I guess. I don't know him very well."

Drimaethor- "He's friendly-ish. He helped Sapphire and Amethyst once, I think he might've saved their lives? Something about a ship."

Ravoo- "He looks pretty soft. I kind of want to test that now..."

Sapphire- "She's a small zora, and easily scared. She's timid, but she can be brave. Her loyalty to her friends and family is admirable. She's very sensitive, and seems vulnerable. I feel like I need to protect her."

Cassie- "She seems nice, I haven't really talked to her. I think she and Zeph might have a thing going. I'll tease Zeph about it whenever I can."

Jack- "He's a lot like me, and he knows his way around the prisons. He's got more common sense than most of the party put together. He really reminds me of you."

Guzore- "He's a goron, and he trusts easily. Maybe a bit too easily. He can curl up into a ball and roll around, if he wants to. I wish I could do that. He's very easygoing, I've never seen him angry. One time at Mira he acted a bit strangely."