Room One

Ferondir stepped into the test chamber, and the door shut menacingly behind him, leaving him in semi darkness.
The sound of the crowd was suddenly gone, but this did nothing to calm him, as the unnatural silence was just as unnerving.
He felt his way forward, and his hand found a table, with a tightly wrapped scroll sitting on top. He unraveled the scroll and strained to read it.
Your first task lies behind the door. Locate and retrieve the key.
Do not damage anything within the course.
Return every room to it's original state before you leave.
Do not use the same incantation twice.
He pushed the door open.
The room was pitch black. He'd never find the key if he had to feel around for it.
Easy fix. He blew gently onto the gem on his staff. "Lux."
The gem flared, illuminating a few feet in front of him.
He walked cautiously forward, hearing the echo of his leather boots against the stone.
There's bound to be some weird twist, if I know the Guild at all.
Thick bars came sharply into view. He reached out and touched them. Cold unforgiving iron.
He spotted something shining on the other side, ten or so feet from where he was standing. He had a feeling it was the key.
Perhaps there's a door.
He raised his staff and walked first left, then right. No such luck.
Of course not. I was foolish to hope. He put his hand on the bars. The gap between beams is too narrow for me to fit my arm, and even if I could, there's no way I'll reach the key. It's a good ten feet away!
His eyes darted to his staff and back to the shining spot.
My staff wont fit either.
He stepped back and sat cross legged on the ground.
Maybe I missed something.
He stood up and walked around the room once more, examining everything.
There were just the bars, the shining spot, and a locked door.
He returned to his seated position.
He smacked his hand into his face.
The answer is so obvious. Levitation.
He stood up, leaned his lit staff against the bars, and held his hand out to the shining spot.
He pulled his hand back to him,
The reflection danced for a second,
Ferondir heard the sound of keys bouncing and scraping the wall. He put his hand down, and the keys clanged into the stone wall again.
I guess not. They seem to be attached to the far wall somehow. A hook perhaps?
He raised his hand again and this time flung his it upward. The keys came loose and clattered to the floor. He reached out again and the keys flew into his open palm.
He grabbed his staff and rushed to the door, stumbling slightly on the bricks beneath his feet.
He carefully fit the key into the lock and turned.
The door clicked satisfyingly.
He pushed open the heavy door, re-locked it, and floated the keys back into place on their hook, now easily visible by the light of the next room.